Walk the talk,是个常见英文短语,其中文意思是:说到做到,言行合一(或言行一致)。 这里的walk,是个动词,本意是“行走”,引申为“执行、做到”。而talk则是名词,表示”言辞”。Walk the talk,从字面上可以理解为:做你所说的。这个短语还有一些其他的变种,比如:talk the talk… walk the walk,常用来指某人“...
“Walk the talk”是一个常用的俚语,意思是言行一致,言出必行。也可以理解为说到做到。这个短语的来源可以追溯到美国的商业和领导力领域。 “Walk the talk”最早在1980年代开始被广泛使用,并逐渐成为企业管理和领导力的重要原则之一。它强调领导者应该以身作则,通过实际行动来证明自己的承诺和价值观。 这个短语的...
“Walk the talk”是一个常用的俚语,意思是言行一致,言出必行。也可以理解为说到做到。这个短语的来源可以追溯到美国的商业和领导力领域。 “Walk the talk”最早在1980年代开始被广泛使用,并逐渐成为企业管理和领导力的重要原则之一。它强调领导者应该以身作则,通过实际行动来证明自己的承诺和价值观。 这个短语的...
Meaning of 'Walk the talk'What does the saying 'Walk the talk' mean? Idiom: Walk the talk Meaning: If you walk the talk, you do what you promise or claim you can do. Country: International English | Subject Area: General | Usage Type: Both or All Words Used Contributor: Dr Cheng...
Meaning: The term “talk the talk, walk the walk” is a phrase in English that means a person should support what they say, not just with words, but also through action. Example:Arthurtalks the talkabout how he will start helping out more with the house chores, but so far he has yet...
Meaning of Phrase Walk the Talk: It means putting your words into action—showing that you mean what you say by actively doing it yourself. It is a version of the everyday phrase ‘practice what you preach’. Also See:Lead By Example Quotes ...
Used in a sentence:Nathan claims he can lift 600 pounds. He can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk? Where doeswalkcome from? The first records ofwalkcome from before the year 1000. It ultimately comes from the Old Englishwealcan, meaning “to roll or toss.” ...
Walk and talk meaning The Walk and Talk Explained The walk and talk has become a much referenced and talked about term. But in case you don’t know– let’s define the phrase. What does the walk and talk refer to? WALK AND TALK DEFINITION ...
aWith negativity as an indicator of markedness, our hypothesis is indirectly sup-ported by results showing that negating an adjective with a positive meaning is not symmetric to negating its antonym, with a negative meaning . Specifically, the negation of a positive adjective implies the negative ...
adjective [only before noun] (formal) that has been stated to have happened or to be true, when this might not be the case: the scene of the purported crime purportedly adverb: a letter purportedly written by Mozart cryptic adjective with a meaning that is hidden or not easily understood:...