Walk the Plank is the fast-paced card game of fun, fierce pirate action. You are pirates on a ship without a captain, and who better to wear the captain's hat than you? Make your opponents walk the plank, avoid the sea monster and, if you've got the skill and luck to be the ca...
今天,我们要学的词是walk the plank。 音标: [wɔːk ðə plæŋk] 释义:意思是被迫离任,走人。 "Several people had to walk the plank because of the discrimination case," 歧视诉讼案让好几个人被迫离职。"The mayor was forced to walk the plank after being involved in the sex scan...
今天,我们要学的词是walk the plank。 音标:[wɔːk ðə plæŋk] 释义:意思是被迫离任,走人。 "Several people had to walk the plank because of the discrimination case," 歧视诉讼案让好几个人被迫离职。"The mayor was forced to walk t...
沪江词库精选walk the plank是什么意思、英语单词推荐 走跳板;被迫辞职;被迫做有损于自己的事 相似短语 walk the plank 走跳板;被迫辞职;被迫做有损于自己的事 plank it v. 睡在木板上 walk in 随便进来 walk by vt.在...旁边走过,靠...过活 walk on 继续行走 walk into v. 走进 walk in ...
walk the plank发音 意思翻译 被迫离职;走跳板 走跳板; 被迫辞职; 被迫做有损于自己的事 相似词语短语 walk the talk───言出必行;说到做到 walk the walk───说做就做;付诸行动 talk the talk───说的头头是道 a walk in the park───在公园里散步 take the plunge───冒险尝试;采取决定性...
同学,您好!很高兴为您解释"walk the plank"这个短语的含义。这个短语通常出现在英文会计考试的核心词汇中,对于您的英文学习非常重要。它的意思是被迫使辞职。希望我的回答能够帮助到您,如果您有其他问题,欢迎继续提问。
walk the plank TTWFORCE somebody TO DO somethingto be forced to walk along a board laid over the side of a ship until you fall off into the sea, used as a punishment in the past 走跳板〔旧时的一种惩罚,逼人在放于船舷的一块木板上走,直到掉入海里〕 Examples from the Corpus walk the plan...
WALK THE PLANKFeatures Kona rug which is made of supersmooth coconut wood, designed by Crate & Barrel Inc.Suqi, RimaNew York
walk the plank 美 英 na.被海盗强迫从跳板上坠海;被迫辞职;被迫放弃;【航】走跳板 英汉 na. 1. 被海盗强迫从跳板上坠海 2. 被迫辞职;被迫放弃 3. 【航】走跳板 4. (转义)被解雇,被迫去职 释义: 全部,被海盗强迫从跳板上坠海,被迫辞职,被迫放弃,走跳板...
Hello,亲们!今天,我们要学的词是walk the plank。 音标:[wɔːk ðə plæŋk] 释义:意思是被迫离任,走人 例句: Several people had to walk the plank because of the discrimination case. 歧视诉讼案让好几个人被迫离职。 The mayor was forc...