Walk Score is available for any address in the United States and Canada. We've also ranked more than 2,800 cities and over 10,000 neighborhoods so you can find a walkable home or apartment. We believe that walkable neighborhoods with access to public transit, better commutes, and proximity...
Follow the links for city maps, photos, and all neighborhoods. The list of California cities below is sorted by Walk Score, but can also be sorted by population or alphabetically (click table's heading to sort). City Zip Code Walk Score Transit Score Bike Score Population West Hollywood 91...
Get Your Walk Score Walkability Trends Across the U.S. Looking for a walkable neighborhood to call home?New Yorkis consistently ranked the most walkable U.S. city, but there are pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods all over the country if you know where to look. Check out homes inMiamiorPhiladel...
Walkable neighborhoods.(The Media Beat)(Walkscore to find the your green home)(Brief article)Priesnitz, Wendy
which have high walk scores. A big part of what makes neighborhoods walkable and bikeable is a high density of attractive destinations, which increases walking and cycling trips, but also creates conflicts among road users. Other areas of the city may be safer for walking and cycling, but wit...
Badger, E. (2014).This is how women feel about walking alone at night in their own neighborhoods: The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/05/28/this-is-how-women-feel-about-walking-alone-at-night-in-their-own-neighborhoods/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.50c8ac...
Understanding the influence of built environments is key for efforts to increase walking, since most walking occurs routinely in neighborhoods. The term built environment refers to both aggregate and individual features of urban design, transportation infrastructure, and land uses (Rao et al., 2007)....
1.5 years in... I love my loft. Great view of the river and the bridge and all the dogs in the dog park. 2 beautiful parks within walking distance. Great antique store across the way. Gym onsite for free and a gym you can join on the bottom floor. 2 bars across the street. This...
walking in the trip were 3.48 (95% CI: 2.73 to 4.44) times higher when the Walk Score for the trip origin was "Walker's Paradise" compared to less walkable neighborhoods (Very/Car-Dependent or Somewhat Walkable), with an identical independent effect of trip destination Walk Score on walking...