Additionally, reactions have no such limitations as far as I can see, so even if bonus actions are not prevented, it seems as if reactions are fair game. The PHB also lists several potential "free actions" (p.190) that the player may take on their turn. It seems to me that thes...
When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not. Would the effect from mobile override the aether walk clause when moving through walls? dnd-5e-2014 feats terrain blood-hunter Share...
该形态下的生物除疾走 Dash 和变回原形以外不能执行其他动作。变回原形需要花一分钟的时间,在这段时间内该生物处于失能状态且不能移动。在法术终止前,该生物还可以再次变成云雾形态,而再次进行变形同样要花一分钟时间。 如果法术终止时受术生物正以云雾形态飞行,则该生物将在 1 分钟内以每轮 60 尺的速度降落直至...
Water CAs on samples before and after irradiation and at different time intervals were measured using a CA measurement system (Digidrop, GBX, Romans sur Isere, Drôme, France) equipped with a CCD camera to capture lateral snapshots of a droplet deposited on top of the preselected area, ...