And you can walk on the water too So get out and let your fear fall to the ground No time to waste don't wait And don't you turn around And miss out on Everything you were made for Gotta be I know you're not sure So you play it safe You try to run away If...
Walk on the water too So get out and let Your fear fall to the ground No time to waste don not wait Don not you turn around and miss out Everything you were made for I know you are not sure So you play it safe Try to run away If you take that first step Into...
Walk on the water too So get out And let Your fear fall to the ground No time to waste Don't wait Don't you turn around and miss out Everything you were made for I know you're not sure So you play it safe Try to run away If you take that first step Into the unk...
歌曲《Walk on Water》正是借此寓意:“在经历困难、面临风浪的时刻,不服输、不后退,怀着信心去突破自我。” 这些品质是邓紫棋与电影角色莎拉·康纳等女战士特有的共性,许多人都有过面对困难萌生退意的时刻,邓紫棋却鼓励女孩子们把坎坷酿成战歌“过去的痛只是短暂,此刻让你我都勇敢作战”,激励大家像电影里的主角...
Walk On The Water (Acoustic) Christian Coffeehouse Britt Nicole 2010年1月1日试听 歌词 You look around, staring back at you Another wave of doubt, will it pull you under? You wonder 登录以查看完整歌词 出演艺人 Britt Nicole 伴唱 Ed Cash 键盘、 吉他 Craig Young 贝司 Dan Needham 鼓 ...
歌曲Walk on Water的歌词下载: Walk on Water - G.E.M.邓紫棋 词:G.E.M.邓紫棋 曲:G.E.M.邓紫棋 谁在追 让你我跑得狼狈 谁的嘴 把你我咬得自卑 谁判的罪 让你我一直羞愧 别后退 是时候挺直脊椎 别理会 谁张牙舞爪乱吠 问心无愧 把谎言全都击碎 ...
《Walkin On Water》是韩国男子演唱组合Stray Kids演唱的歌曲,由JYP娱乐于2024年12月13日发行,收录在组合发布的SKZHOP HIPTAPE专辑《合 (HOP)》中。歌曲鉴赏 将Stray Kids对舞台的那种自信比喻成在水面上行走,并且像在湍急的水流中嬉戏玩耍的样子。编曲运用了Old School元素,能让人联想到水花飞溅模样的巧妙音效...
Just walk on water Just walk on water 曾被误解的 Now walk on water 曾被污蔑的 Together walk on water 曾被孤立的 曾被忽视的 Just walk on water Just walk on water 都见惯 太多人欺负善意 不就范 就会被说成叛逆 别再退让 告别懦弱的自己 绝不能失望 过去的痛只是短暂 此刻让你我都勇敢 作战 ...