Wheeler B. Are NHS walk-in centres on the way out? BBC News. 28 June, 2012. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-18503034Wheeler B. Are NHS walk-in centres on the way out? BBC News. 28 June 2012; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ uk-politics-18503034....
GP surgeries, social care services and NHS walk-in centres(随到随诊中心)must open for longer to take pressure off casualty wards (伤亡病房),leading emergency doctors have urged, warning that A& E (英国公立医院的急诊室)is being taken to mean “anything and everything” by too many patients...
Impact of NHS walk-in centres on the workload of other local healthcare providers: time series analysis Objectives To assess the impact of NHS walk-in centres on the workload of local accident and emergency departments, general practices, and out of hours ser... M Chalder,D Sharp,L Moore...
Since in opened two years ago, Bensham Hospital - despite being tucked away at the back of the main hospital site - remains one of the busiest walk-in centres on Tyneside. Medics at the centre now see on average 650 patients a week. This time of year is peak season for coughs and...
NHS Direct and walk in centres prove popular.Reports on the popularity of National Health Service walk-in centers in Great Britain. Benefits of the centers for patients; Number of centers in England; Expansion of out-of-hours primary care....
Maheswaran and colleagues, published in the March 2007 online issue of the "British Medical Journal." The study examined 2,509 general practices with 32 walk-in centers. It concluded that walk-in centers have no impact on waiting times.
NHS Commuter Walk In Centres Near Rail StationsJeff Peers
Future of NHS Walk-In Centres Safe - for NowWALK-IN centres across Birmingham and Solihull have been savedfrom closure for the "foreseeable...Varma, Anuji
Do NHS walk-in centres in England provide a model of integrated care ? Aims : policy background Processes : description of NHS Outcomes : comprehensiveSalisbury, CHealth, PrimaryHouse, Cotham
Step 56: NHS Direct and walk-in centres.Discusses the implementation of the National Health Service (NHS) Direct across Great Britain. 24-hour nurse-led helpline providing confidential health care advice and information; Establishment of walk-in centers; Liability of nurses or midwives giving ...