On at least two occasions earlier this year, Ohio Governor John Kasich heard loud and clear...Behavioral Healthcare
The main aim of this paper is to see in what ways QOL and mobility relate to each other; how are QOL and mobility associated with self-rated health as well as with the demographic characteristics of the study participants? We introduce the variables we tested in terms of direct and indirect...
Background: The “walk-along interview” (WAI) is a qualitative spatial method that consists of a researcher walking alongside a participant during the time of an interview to identify perceived neighborhood environments. The use of the WAI method increa
We walk for exercise - the health benefits of which are plentiful - but leisurely strolls are rare in today's fast-paced society. Walking for no other purpose than to enjoy the walk is an excellent way to live in the moment. Since we're so used to viewing walking as a means to an...
In this paper, we report the results of an online experiment (n = 1000) comparing the impact of three different short-term mindfulness interventions on various (self-reported and incentivized) measures of mindfulness state and sustainable behavior. While only one of our interventions is found to ...
comprising 32 items grouped in 11 latent constructs. All constructs showed satisfying reliability. The regression analysis showed that the TPB explained 55.3% of parents’ intentions to let the child cycle to school and 20.6% regarding walking, increasing by a further 18.3% and 16.6%, respectively...
Individual and community benefits, improved health, and social resilience were reported as key outcomes: “In terms of the greenway, and this infrastructure that currently is in place, it is kind of a factor enabling people to talk to people who they don’t know, talking to strangers that ...