It cost me all of $2. Four hours of waiting when the pharmacist could have called the hospital (Oklahoma Heart Hospital South, 5200 E. I-240 Service Road, Oklahoma City, Ok) when he saw the prescription was filled by a PA instead of a physician!! My physician daughter said the is WH...
地址: 4500 S Shields Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73129 电话: +1 405-631-3561 营业时间: 周一至周五08:00-22:00, 周六至周日09:00-21:00 附近的购物地 更多 Superpawn 0条点评 距离1.8km Park Terrace Shopping Center 0条点评 距离2.2km Goodwill 0条点评 距离2.3km 热门购物地 更多 Nord...