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And then third, we'll stop things. And frankly, we already have stopped certain things that don't fit this lens or create near-term value. In some cases, we'll exit or restructure those things, so it's important that we stay really laser-focused on that. With respect to value-based...
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Let me now wrap-up the guidance section. I would like to leave you with three key takeaways as to why we are excited about the near-term and long-term outlook for WBA. First, we expect to drive positive core business momentum in fiscal 2023 as we lap strong COVID-19 execution in 20...
So, finally I asked for the address where I can write to someone who actually CAN provide customer service. He gave me the address below. I asked if that’s where their legal team is located. He said he didn’t know. I suggested he find out, he may need it....
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