Wales - BlueGB-WL-EPS-02-4001 Vector Maps of Europe Maps of Europe Turkey with ProvincesTR-EPS-02-0002 Luxembourg with Districts - OutlineLU-EPS-01-0003 Faroe Islands - Single ColorFO-EPS-01-0001 Estonia with CountiesEE-EPS-02-0002 Trending...
General location map of the Crick Barrow region within the principality of Wales. The boxed area is enlarged in Figure 1. Figure 1Location map of the Crick Barrow, showing other prehistoric sites in the region(click for larger image).Contours are shown in metres above Ordnance Datum and are ...
North Wales is a relatively small and largely rural area with approximately 700,000 inhabitants across six counties [27]. The Deaf community in North Wales is, therefore, fairly small and geographically scattered, with an estimated 900 individuals whose preferred language is BSL [28,29]. ...