Lyt til din guides farverige historier - inklusive alt fra Tudor-historie til walisisk rugby - mens du passerer højdepunkter såsom Cardiff Castle, Bute Park, Principality Stadium og andre steder... Mere 2 timer Gratis afbestilling fra 1.338 kr. pr. gruppe 12345 Finder du ikke det, ...
Brown, ASmyth, NBrown A,Smyth N. Serials Solutions and Link Finder Plus at the University of Wales Swansea Program[J].Electronic Library and Information Systems,2005,(02):147-159.Andrew Brown,Neil Smyth.Serials Solutions and LinkFinderPlus at the University of Wales Swansea[J]. Program:...
Finder du ikke det, du leder efter?Se alle oplevelser i Wales Flere ture i Wales Busture Vandreture Ture med firhjulstrækker Ture, sightseeing og krydstogter Privatchauffører Bilture Ture med luksusbiler Transport Sjov og leg Lufthavns- og hoteltransport Krydstogter og sejlads White ...
Hill (1930), 238. See also Renvoize (1976). For a case where the finder criticised the price paid as a reward, see, for example, the Beeston Tor case: TNA, T161/239/15. 104. TNA, T227/3001: Treasury memo dated 5 February 1969, Gauntlett to Forsyth. The Ancient Monuments Board ope...
Niran E. 3. marts 2025 Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighedOversæt med Google really nice house we stayed for a night passing by but even so it was a really nice accommodation and the area looks beautiful Overnattede 1 nat i feb...
The whole herd of idiotic humanity are moving in that direction at the bidding of unscrupulous rascals, and a few sincere but dangerous lunatics... I live mostly in the past -- and the future. The present has -- you easily understand -- but few chances for me. I look with the serenit...
contemporary shilling and sixpence, made in pewter from a hoard found under the floor of a hall in Langhrane Castle, in Wales,fair; a second counterfeit pewter sixpence, dated 1561, from an unknown source,almost fine; a pewter token with crowned double rose between E-R and legend...
The geochemistry of iodine and a preliminary investigation into its potential use as a pathfinder element in geochemical exploration. Ph.D. thesis, University of Wales, Aberystwyth 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 17 作者: CC Johnson 摘要: As a prerequisite for a better understanding of iodine'...
Brown A,Smyth N. Serials Solutions and Link Finder Plus at the University of Wales Swansea Program[J].Electronic Library and Information Systems,2005,(02):147-159.Brown A,Smyth N.Serials Solutions and Link Finder Plus at theUniversity of Wales Swansea Program[J].Electronic Library andIn-...
Andrew Brown,Neil Smyth.Serials Solutions and LinkFinderPlus at the University of Wales Swansea[J]. Program:Electronic Library and Information Systems,2005,(2).Brown A, Smyth N .Serials Solutions and Link Finder Plus at the University of Wales Swansea Program[J].Electronic Library and Information...