If you’re just not sleepy, get up after about 20 minutes have gone by. Sit in a comfortable chair. Read a book, with just enough lights on so that you can see the print comfortably. If your mind is racing, distract yourself by listening to quiet music for a few minutes. It’s im...
Some research participants said they also experience acid reflux after waking up, up to an hour. GERD is becoming a greater problem for numerous people every day. This uncomfortable occurrence can be very painful and feel as if you’re about to have a heart attack. The reason GERD attacks a...
You have to pick it up, hold it, feel the weight of it in your hands, on your heart and within your life. You have to feel the whole loss. Grief demands to be felt with an insistence that needs no sleep. You either allow yourself to encounter the feelings or you remain encased in...
honest self-reflection, and the value of time while challenging listeners to embrace real change and brutal honesty. Featured Story: Scott reflects on recommending Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles" over the years, using this as a springboard...
biomechanics. Cheap/flimsy collapsible poles equipped with twist-locks and flip-locks cannot hold up to the stress of Level 3. For use during Physical Therapy, trekking, Nordic Walking, ski racing, Nordic running and for all applications one-piece poles always prove to be safer, stronger, more...
The book is beautifully written. The character of Tucker is well done, though others may need time in the upcoming books to come more fully to life. The book is plotted tightly, picking up pace until by the end, you simply cannot read fast enough to figure things out. And the final tr...