The Spiritual Meaning Of Colors - Waking Timesdavid ickefeaturedWicca
Participants were asked to rate to what extent they experienced each of the feelings during the past 24 hours on a scale from 1 (very slightly or not at all) to 5 (extremely). The positive and negative affect items were summed up to obtain the positive affect subscale (PANAS_PA) and ...
I heard the beat and thought of somethi ng beautiful/forced to be a robot but seeking for the spiritual/living this life and end up at the funeral but meanwhile "be something" but nothi ng seems suitable Life is hard but you know what to look f or/love or the friendship n maybe ...
Lately I’ve come up with a whole bunch of new ideals that I have been programming into my reality. The MERLIN, Morning has Broken, & Elwood P Dowd but am still bouncing back into old familiar patterns (tho less and less. Plus there has been a drift lately, a strong desire in me t...
While the Sun shines in Pisces (the last water sign), we are encouraged to relax, rest, and align with the flow of life. As we let go of judgment and resistance, we can be replenished by the spiritual forces that are always available to feed and sustain us. We make ourselves availabl...
At least the following… Title –make this as accurate and descriptive as you can – this is what’s going to show up in people’s calendars! Purpose –what’s the goal of the meeting? Trigger –why is this meeting important today or this week? (Even — or...