* @relax_count: Number of times the wakeup source was deactivated. * @expire_count: Number of times the wakeup source's timeout has expired. * @wakeup_count: Number of times the wakeup source might abort suspend. * @dev: Struct device for sysfs statistics about the wakeup source. * @a...
Wakeup Source(后简称:WS) 模块可与内核中的其他模块或者上层服务交互,并最终体现在对睡眠锁的控制上。 注:本文是基于内核kernel-5.10展开,分析基于32位系统,若是64位系统,则combined_event_count会被拆分成2个32位分别来纪录唤醒事件的总数和正在处理中的唤醒事件的总数 1. 模块功能说明 WS的处理逻辑基本上是围绕...
1. 只有具有唤醒功能的设备才能作为wakeup source,具备唤醒功能的设备会被标识为唤醒能力,通过设备结构里面的can_wakeup标志标识,并且会在sysfs目录下有关于wakeup信息的文件存在 2. 具备唤醒功能的设备主要和 dev_pm_info结构有关 3. 一个wakeup source的设备,主要虚拟为结构体struct wakeup_source结构 1 struct wake...
wakeup_count:中止suspend的次数. expire_count:对应wakeup source超时的次数. active_since:上一次还活跃的时间点.时间单位跟kernel log前缀时间是一样(kernel单调递增时间). total_time:对应wakeup source活跃的总时长. max_time:对应的wakeup source持续活跃最长的一次时间. last_change:上一次wakeup source变化的时...
static void wakeup_source_activate(struct wakeup_source *ws) { unsigned int cec; ws->active = true; ws->active_count++; ws->last_time = ktime_get(); if (ws->autosleep_enabled) ws->start_prevent_time = ws->last_time; /* Increment the counter of events in progress. */ ...
* @wakeup_count: Number of times the wakeup source might abort suspend. * @active: Status of the wakeup source. * @has_timeout: The wakeup source has been activated with a timeout. */ struct wakeup_source { const char *name;
之前android一直是基于Linux加入了wake_lock机制来阻止系统休眠,后来Linux 3.4内核加入了wakeup_source来管理,安卓4.4跟着升级内核也就摒弃了自己的繁杂的wake_lock机制,在对上层接口并不改变,在内核wake_lock实现直接基于wakeup_source来实现的。当然也会带来debug上的一些问题,比如以前的wake_lock自身带有强大的debug信息...
Here, we chain the IRQ to the pinctrl driver using the second interrupts-extended entry. The wake IRQ framework in linux works in such a way that the second entry gets marked as a wakeup source, and then the pinctrl driver is...
.prevent_sleep_time:wakeup source阻止autosleep的总时间。 .event_count:wakeup source上报wakeup event的个数。 .active_count:wakeup source处于active状态的次数。 .relax_count:wakeup source处于deactive状态的次数。 .expire_count:wakeup source timeout次数。