wakelock Main plugin package + Android & iOS implementations wakelock_macos macOS implementation wakelock_platform_interface Basic API definition & message handling wakelock_web Web implementation wakelock_windows Windows implementation Contributing If you want to contribute to this plugin, follow the contribut...
Flutter plugin that allows you to keep the device screen awake on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and web. - creativecreatorormaybenot/wakelock
Web APIs Navigator Navigator.requestWakeLock() Your Search Results This article needs an editorial review.How you can help. Non-standard This feature is not on a current W3C standards track, but it is supported on the Firefox OS platform. Although implementations may change in the future and it...
WakeLock接口允许一个文件获取屏幕唤醒锁定。 方法 WakeLock.request() 返回一个决议为WakeLockSentinel的Promise或当唤醒锁定不可访问的时候抛出异常。 示例 以下例子获取一个唤醒锁定并在 10 分钟后释放它: function tryKeepScreenAlive(minutes) { navigator.wakeLock.request("screen").then(lock => { setTimeout((...
文章介绍了Web API Navigator wakeLock Navigator中的wakeLock属性。WakeLock是Screen Wake Lock API的接口,允许开发者在应用程序需要继续运行时防止设备屏幕变暗或锁定。 WakeLockAPI提供了两种类型的唤醒锁:screen和system。在大多数情况下,开发者只需请求屏幕唤醒锁。通过使用`navigator.wakeLock.request('screen')`方法,...
ABoolean. Its value isfalseuntil theWakeLockSentinelhas been released (either through a call toWakeLockSentinel.release()or because the lock has been released automatically) and theWakeLockSentinel.onreleaseevent has been emitted, after which it becomestrueand no longer changes. ...
SeeWeb APIs SeeNavigator Navigator.wakeLock This is anexperimental technology Check theBrowser compatibility tablecarefully before using this in production. Secure context This feature is available only insecure contexts(HTTPS), in some or allsupporting browsers. ...
wakelock_plus Main plugin package + Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux, and Web implementations wakelock_plus_platform_interface Basic API definition & message handling Contributing If you want to contribute to this plugin, follow the contributing guide. Origin As stated before, this plugin is a...
wakelock_web Web implementation wakelock_windows Windows implementation Contributing If you want to contribute to this plugin, follow the contributing guide. Origin Originally, this plugin was based on screen. Specifically, the wakelock functionality was extracted into this plugin due to lack of maintenan...
WakeLock - Web APIs编辑 Draft This page is not complete. Secure context This feature is available only insecure contexts(HTTPS), in some or allsupporting browsers. TheWakeLockinterface of theScreen Wake Lock APIprevents device screens from dimming or locking when an application needs to keep runnin...