Visited after seeing they were a family led business so expected a bit more that the corporate gloss of the big dealers Sat with a sales person for an hour and a half spec'ing up a new car and left eventually with the promise of a quote via email. 7 days later ... Nothing!Going...
二手车经销商, 高街, 亨菲尔德(Used Car Dealers, High Street, Henfield) 本菲尔德起亚汽车经销商. 泰恩河畔的纽卡斯尔(Benfield Kia car dealership. Newcastle upon Tyne) 本菲尔德斯柯达汽车经销商, 泰恩河畔的纽卡斯尔(Benfield Skoda car dealership, Newcastle upon Tyne) 汽车经销商, 朗菲尔德路, 隧道桥井,...
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