Your one stop guide to tourism in Wakefield Quebec. Places to stay, outdoor activities, festivals and events , places to eat and more.
Since recently moving from Texas, we have missed TexMex and BBQ. In search of the latter, we tried a few places in RI and Massachusetts with no winners. We realize we are spoiled in that we had the opportunity to try the many regional variations of BBQ across Texas including the big...
days a glass of coke is overpriced but that seems the norm unfortunately, it doesn't encourage people not to drink drive which is a shame. All in all a nice restaurant with very lovely staff :) I would return but for a treat/special occasion, as can get cheaper ...
The greatest disruption from delivery services has been to restaurant sectors that already had delivery as part of their model – pizza places. While not all pizza restaurants are about delivery, some count on deliveries for as much as 75 percent of their business. That said, for virtually e...
What I am trying to get across here is that the important thing isnotthe names of the people, places and activities that comprise(s)yourlife. Rather, I am asking you to consider the question, what did they (seem) to add to your life,whydid you give them your time!?
ok self-indulgence time is over! everyone back to their places, please. Funny or serious, clever or immature, ponderous or subtle, the reason for this blog and these Posts is to present theWakefield Doctrineto as wide an audience as possible. And the reason for doing this? I believe that...
"Dog owners love this neighborhood low traffic, and plenty of sidewalk space plenty of places to let the dog off the leash and run parks etc" 0 Flag Trulia User Resident 3y ago "Many families in the area, with great fields, parks, and stores within walking distance. All this but still...
I have friends who I’ve met because I tend to go places (to try to promote the Doctrine) that I would not have likely gone were it otherwise. Joining an writers group on ‘the Facebook’ exhibit A, no frickin way I would have had the nerve to not only be a member (ha ha…secr...
‘the people, places and things’ that have evoked a sense of gratitude in us. It is simple, though not necessarily easy. That being said, the benefits of identifying with others who focus on an element of life that, ironically can be in short supply during those times when most needed,...
all of these things, the people (and the way that we feel about them) the places (where we are and we hope to be and regret getting to) and things (that may help us or hurt us or change things forever in our lives) In short, the Life that we talk about here at theWakefield Do...