Jungle Entertainment and BBC Studios shut down the ABC-commissioned Wakefield, the eight-episode drama set in a Blue Mountains psychiatric hospital.“The limitations we’ve put on our incredible cast and crew over the last two weeks have made shooting more and more difficult and it is now ...
The use of s.47 of the Mental Health Act 1993 to transfer prisoners with mental illness to hospital was investigated in a large dispersal prison. Those satisfying ICD-10 criteria (World Health Organisation, 1992) for schizophrenia, delusional disorder and major affective disorder, and with a ...
1 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). 4th edn. Washington DC, USA: American Psychiatric Association, 1994. 2 Bhatt HR, Green A, Linnell JC. A sensitive micromethod for the routine estimations of methylmalonic acid in body fluids and tissues using thin-layer chromatog...
Patricia Longman, who downgraded her risk level to low, and discharged Tara to her GP with no community follow up. This was despite concerns being expressed by the ward staff about this proposed plan of action. Tara was discharged from hospital for the final time on 1 Se...
At Companion Animal Hospital of Wakefield in Raleigh, NC, we offer pet owners a higher level of care, with a deeper sense of compassion. Call us today!