It then went on to consider and determine whether, under Rule 29(1) of the General Medical Council Preliminary Proceedings Committee and Professional Conduct Committee (Procedure) Rules Order of Council 1988, the facts as admitted or found proved do amount to serious professional misconduct and if ...
Inspection of residential care for older people in social services departments Wakefield Community and Social Services Department; 10 - 25 November 1994J. Fraser
Last Thursday the Federal Council announced a plan for ‘the way back’ to the ‘new normal’: 27 April: some shops can open again, such as: hairdressers, DIY/garden centres, florists 11 May: all retail shops can reopen, schools as well 8 June: universities to reopen, as well as ...
Retail is once again one of the most affected sectors, given the reintroduction of restricted opening times - most units can only open after 10am and will have to close between 8pm and 11pm (in accordance with the local council decision) - and the limitation of people gatherings to a maxim...
On 10 November, the German Council of Economic Experts presented their autumn report on the economy to the federal government. This included a lowering of the growth forecast for 2021 from 3.1 to 2.7%. The adjustment is due to continuing supply bottlenecks for raw materials and intermediate produ...