3047 1 0:33 App 【MURDER PLOT/meme背景】 1591 1 0:21 App 【MEME】Don't Push Me背景素材 1924 2 0:22 App 【MEME】背景素材 44 -- 0:09 App meme背景练习之模仿篇 4.0 485 -- 0:23 App [Meme背景]end is near--meme--free to use background--loop_ 8652 9 0:49 App 【MEME背...
We committed to meet up the following weekend for a drink and night at the OKCMOA. We met up at a local brewery called the Anthem Brewing Company and threw back a few bottles of beer. It was just enough to get us both to open up and converse beyond the surface material we had been ...
when the post goes up, it might “seem” new if no ones been talking about it, but you can almost guarantee it’s been being used super quietly for 6-18 months before. Because, well,
cTahlceualaxtiiaolna.nTdhreaadxiaiallvaenlodcirtaiedsiaaltvaenloacribtietrsaaryt apnoianrtbPitrianrdyupceodinbtyPthinednuthcevdobrtyexthreinngthavreorgtievxenrinbgy:are given by: where where vinvdin,zd,z= 2ΓΓπnna 2 a KK(mm) − bab2a...
High-Speed Photography Acquisition System 3 of 20 To capture the complex flow structures of the pump, many methods could Common measurement techniques for the internal flow of centrifugal pumps incl odtfififtcehlreeenTImtLcVaavgainetadVtitoehnleosictmaimgpeeseltlaerrryesd(uPicsIctViuos)ns[es1du8....
As a key component of fish cages, the net panels are porous and highly flexible structures made up from a large number of small intersecting circular cylinders (e.g., nylon twine), and the flow field through and around this arrangement is rather complex. In aquaculture practice, the flow ...
→ To predict the propeller performance, the total flow UT can be docomposed to the known inflow →→ UIN (or background flow) and the unknown propeller induced flow UP, which can be treated as a potential flow. Therefore, the propeller perturbation potential is governed by the Laplace ...