The promise that "Christ will shine on you" uses the Greek word "ἐπιφαύσκω" (epiphauskō), meaning to shine upon or to illuminate. This is a beautiful depiction of the light of Christ dispelling the darkness of sin and ignorance. In the scriptural context, light is often ...
The unique meaning of marriage as the union of one man and one woman is inscribed in our bodies as male and female. The protection of this meaning is a critical dimension of the “integral ecology” that Pope Francis has called us to promote. Mandating marriage redefinition across the country...
Duchamp would, no doubt, have been interested in Warburg’s desire to link recurring classical and mythic themes with their reinterpretation into later artistic periods – a process that he too had been engaged with in, for instance, the antecedents for the alchemical process of ‘stripping of t...
without a proper and compelling justification, the Commonwealth may be successful in taking significant strides towards the establishment of a future police state, in which broad and vague concerns for administrative efficiency will serve to support substantial intrusions into the privacy of citizens.”[...
OMG! I just realized that our own beloved, intolerable, A-1 troll, dufus extraordinaire, punching bag, paid shill regular poster, griff, could substitute ‘gremlins’ for climate change in griff’s fact-free bald assertions without changing the meaning of the comment. (Keep that in mind, lad...