1.需要进行CMOS和网卡设置,启动计算机,进入CMOS参数设置。选择电源管理设置选项,将“Wake up on LAN”项和“Wake on PCI Card”项均设置为“Enable”,启用计算机的远程唤醒功能;2.将WOL电缆的两端分别插入网卡和主板的3芯插座中,将网卡与计算机主板连接起来。如果主板支持PCI 2.2标准,只要开启“W...
HP Desktop PCs - Set your PC to turn on automatically at a certain time (Wake on LAN)On HP 32-bit desktop PCs, you can configure the BIOS to turn on your system automatically on select days and at a specific time. Enable the Power-On feature Use the following steps to access the ...
按向下箭头键选择“Wake on LAN”。 按右箭头键“启用”“Wake on LAN”功能。 按F10接受 BIOS 设置变更。 再按一次F10,然后按“Enter”键。 按F10保存更改并退出。 笔记本电脑将重新启动。 Hardware platforms affected :HP Mini 2140 Notebook PC
Product: HP Desktop Pro G2 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) I am trying to enable wake on Lan on BIOS as well as from the settings of the network adapter with no luck. IS there any straight forward procedure to follow in order to enable WAKE on LAN feature. I have ...
Product: HP EliteOne 840 23.8 inch G9 All-in-One Desktop PC RCTO Base Model HelloI want to make my all in one computer wake on lan wirelessly. I would be very happy if you share the steps on how to do it.Note: I can make wake on lan from wired network. Tags: HP EliteOne 8...