可以从github上面下载https://github.com/Florianisme/WakeOnLan 打开软件后先扫描同局域网内的设备,根据IP地址找到要唤醒的电脑 进入add device界面,name随便填,mac地址填要唤醒的电脑的mac地址,因为macgic packet报文里面是包含了被唤醒的电脑的mac地址的,不填mac地址无法发送magic packet报文 添加后在设备页面可以看...
也可在Microsoft Store搜索wake on Lan下载相关应用,这里使用MagicPacket软件为例: 使用MAC地址、IP或域名(***.http://tpddns.cn)、唤醒端口:3390 即可配置完成。 Windows远程桌面:win+r 输入mstsc,或者直接搜索即可打开远程桌面。在次之前需要先在设置——系统——远程桌面——启动远程桌面。然后在计算机栏输入152....
BIOS设置 开机过程中按F12,点击system setup,进入BIOS设置界面,进入Power Management,设置Deep Sleep Control选项为Disable,Wake on Lan选项为LAN only。 2.系统设置 进入设备管理器—网络适配器,点击对应网卡设备,进入属性设置对话框,在‘高级’一栏,设置Wake on Magic Packet属性为‘开启’。(同时也设置'Wake on pa...
The WoWLAN feature using the AX200 works intermittently on Windows 10. I have been able to successfully wake up my computer from SLEEP about 4 times. The issue is that it is unpredictable when the WoWLAN feature actually works. I have done the following: Device Manager\AX200\Powe...
WOL Wake on LAN Magic Packet 此版本中的新增功能 - Added settings page, number of WOL packets can now be configured. - Toast notification without sound. - Toast notification timeout set to 10 seconds (auto remove). - Changed where wakeup packet is sent to (broadcast address). WOL was no...
If the Z640 is shut down from Linux I can wake it up with a magic packet from a Linux machine no problem. So my problem is with windows 10 system and waking it up from a windows 10 shut down. I am also having difficulty getting to the same windows...
Windows主机进入网络界面查看详细信息或进入dos窗口输入: ipconfig /all Linux主机终端中输入: ifconfig 局域网中另一台主机或者Nas Unbutu 安装wakeonlan工具: sudo apt-get install wakeonlan 唤醒command: wakeonlan 00:11:22:33:44:55 Nas主机 获取相应的可执行文件或者自己编译: ...
Wake-on-LAN is an advanced feature that can come in handy in many home and business networking scenarios. Here’s a look at using it with Windows 10. Previously we looked at Wake-on-LAN (Local Area Network) in Windows 8,which we touched on in-depth here, discussing the scenarios for ...
Wake-on-LAN / Wake-on-WLAN 需要主板和BIOS的支持。 根据Wiki,大概就是机器在休眠或关机时主板和网卡还保持微弱的供电,网卡会监听广播包,并对其进行解析。如果发现符合协议,并且MAC地址就是该网卡的MAC地址,则通知主板进行唤醒。 这种数据包被称为Magic Packet,格式为: ...
BIOS里未开启WOL,选项名叫 【Wake On Lan In S5】,不同电脑BIOS有差异。 系统层面:Win7 没有明确支持,但是关闭快速启动选项后,依托网卡的WOL有的也能唤醒。 Win8、Win10 明确不支持S5状态唤醒,S3、S4明确支持。 具体看微软关于电源状态的说明: https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/power/syste...