Wake Forest University’s Master of Science in Management degree is designed specifically for non-business majors and business minors who want to excel in today’s marketplace. This is a 10-month, STEM certified/OPT eligible program offered through our innovative School of Business. As a highly-...
维克森林大学商学院 Wake Forest School of Business | 「教学质量与宾大沃顿商学院并列全美第1的商学院」⚠️适合「一心留美就业」的学生,「毕业就回国」不要申。国内知名度低! ♥️会计MSA(STEM)可以选2...
维克森林大学(英语:Wake Forest University,或译为维克弗斯特大学),始建于1834年,位于美国北卡罗来...
专业简介 TheAccountancy(ACC) major in the Wake Forest University School of Business provides a foundation in the concepts, principles and practices of accountancy and business that students need for success in a variety of careers. A paid, professional internship is strongly recommended and built int...
在wake forest university都商科特别是读master of science in business analytics(MSBA)的中国小伙伴们...
Wake Forest academic experience. Half of undergraduate classes at Wake Forest have fewer than 20 students, and only one percent of Wake Forest’s classes have more than 50 students, the lowest of any top-30 school. The Wake Forest...
Find everything you need to know about Wake Forest University, including tuition & financial aid, student life, application info, academics & more.
participation rate at wake forest high school is 45%. the total minority enrollment is 42%, and 27% of students are economically disadvantaged. wake forest high school is 1 of 34 high schools in the wake county schools . wake forest high school 2024 rankings wake forest ...
Wake Forest University,维克森林大学,建于1834年,是美国一所极富盛名的综合性研究大学。因小班制精英教学体制,维克森林也被称作“南哈佛”、“南方达特茅斯”。维克森林大学连续21年位列全美大学综合排名25名左右,2018年US News美国大学排名中,维克森林大学位列全美27名。“Strong Commitment to Teaching”全美本科教育...
wake forest university student body total medical school enrollment 576 gender distribution of enrolled : female 58 % male 41.8 % other 0.2 % in-state students unlock with compass unlock with compass minority students unlock with compass unlock with compass unlock these and 14 other student body ...