Wajsberg algebras are the algebraic models of Lukasiewicz infinite-valued propositional calculi. In this paper we investigate the Wajsberg algebras endowed with an operator, that we designate a U-operator, which generalize the notion of universal quantifier. We analyse the properties of U-operators...
Joel Wajsberg Joel Wajsberg,演员,主要代表作品《情陷非洲》。演艺经历 2001年参演电影《情陷非洲》。主要作品
We give a presentation of Post algebras of order n + 1 (n ≤ 1) as n + 1 bounded Wajsberg algebras with an additional constant, and we show that a Wajsberg algebra admits a P-algebra reduct if and only if it is n + 1 bounded. AJ Rodríguez,A Torrens - 《Studia Logica》 被引...
We show that Heyting effect algebras are termwise equivalent to Heyting-Wajsberg algebras where the two different logical implications are defined as primitive operators. We prove this logic to be decidable, to be strongly complete and to have the deduction-detachment theorem....
Wajsberg algebrasBlock codesIn this paper, we presented some connections between BCK commutative bounded algebras, MV-algebras, Wajsberg algebras and binary block codes. Using connections between these three algebras, we will associate to each of them a binary block code and, in some circumstances...
For this purpose, we give a representation theorem for finite Wajsberg algebras and give a formula for the number of non-isomorphic Wajsberg algebras of order n ; also we give the total number of finite Wajsberg algebras of order n . Since a big value of n involves a lot of ...
MTL代数是一种重要的基础逻辑代数。本文采用Wajsberg方法,根据逻辑系统MTL中公理的形式,建立了NMTL代数的经典代数表示形式,进而证明了NMTL代数与MTL代数是同一代数结构,证明了满足条件 x,y∈L,x→y=(y→0)→(x→0)的NMTL代数L是BR0代数。在此基础上证明了IMTL代数和BR0代数是同一代数结构,并给出BR0代数...
Knowing the applications of logical algebras in various fields, such as artificial intelligence or coding theory, in this paper, we study some properties of a special class of such algebras, namely finite Wajsberg algebras. For this purpose, we give a representation theorem for finite Wajsberg ...
We introduce and study a generalization of pseudo-Wajsberg and pseudo-MV algebras. The weakening of the axioms leads to the existence of two lattice structures, and of two multiplicative monoid structures. Some categorical equivalences are established....