美 英 un.免缴保险费 英汉 英英 un. 1. 免缴保险费 例句 释义: 全部,免缴保险费
内容提示: 保费豁免(waiver of premium) Waiver of premium The insurance premium exemption exemption is specified, the parties in the insurance contract in the insurance contract, in some special cases, the consent of the insurer to the insured from the unexpired insurance and insurance to insurance ...
waiver of premium 放弃保险费,放弃奖金,免交保险费相关短语 insurance and freight (CIF)(成本加保险费运费) 到岸价 peak risk (保险) 巨额危险,巨额危险 declaration (保险) 启运通知书 sentimental damage (保险) 推定损害 burning cost (保险) 赔款成本 actuary (保险) 精算师 excess (保险) 绝对免赔限度,...
Waiverofpremium Theinsurancepremiumexemptionexemptionisspecified,the partiesintheinsurancecontractintheinsurancecontract, insomespecialcases,theconsentoftheinsurertotheinsured fromtheunexpiredinsuranceandinsurancetoinsuranceexpires on. Therearetwokindsofexemption: ...
6) Premium[英]['pri:miəm] [美]['primɪəm] 保险费 1. Objective:To study on an actuarial model of premium for diabetics. 目的:提出不同参保对象条件下 ,糖尿病保险费精算模型的确定方法。 2. In pricing the premium,insurance companies need to estimate insurance loss,especially its maximu...
Waiver of Premium. In the firstpolicy yearthereinsurance premiumis zero. In renewal years the reinsurance premium equals 90% ofthe grossdisability premium charged on theoriginal policy. Sample 1Sample 2 Examples ofWaiver of Premiumin a sentence ...
When group life insurance with recurrent single premiums was introduced 30 years ago in Sweden waiver of premium was not included. Later, it has been included against an additional premium determined as a simple proportional loading. In this note some principles will be presented for calculating ...
Define Waiver of premium. Waiver of premium synonyms, Waiver of premium pronunciation, Waiver of premium translation, English dictionary definition of Waiver of premium. abbr. 1. weather permitting 2. white phosphorus 3. a. word processing b. word proces
What Is a Waiver of Premium Rider? A waiver of premium rider is an insurance policy clause that waives premium payments if the policyholder becomes critically ill, seriously injured, or physically impaired. Other stipulations may apply, such as meeting specific health and age requirements. ...
limit和sum insured/assured(保额)通常是同义,都是指保险人的最高责任。顺便提一下保险里另外两个金额的表述,一个是保费,通常用premium(亦称insurance premium);另一个是保险金(保险理赔金),通常用benefit(亦称insurance benefit)。由于保额、保费和保险金这几个金额通常在同一份保险类法律文件都会出现,切忌混淆。