伦敦老牌百货公司John Lewis与Waitrose联合推出2019暖心圣诞广告《兴奋的埃德加》,唯美的画面颇有点《权利的游戏》的调调。广告讲述了一个小女孩和小火龙埃德加的故事,呼吁大众在这个温暖的节日尽情传达对彼此的爱,show them how much you care。
John Lewis和Waitrose表示将继续为在第三次封锁中的弱势群体提供营养,温暖和舒适的帮助。 2020年的圣诞节主题活动“Give A Little Love”成功为慈善机构Home-Start和FareShare筹集了超过300万英镑。 Home-Start...
#圣诞季# John Lewis和Waitrose联合的圣诞广告来了!很多人都被小恐龙Edgar圈粉了,广告还热乎着,大家来欣赏一波。 http://t.cn/AirODCFo
The article reports on the result of the customer satisfaction survey of favorite high street shops conducted by consumer magazine "Which" in Great Britain. Department store group John Lewis and supermarket...
John Lewis Partnership recorded an overall loss of £234 million, compared to a profit of £181 million last year. It meant the department store chain, which has a store in Cheltenham, was unable to pay its famous staff bonus, as reported by Retail G
对此,Waitrose决定送她一张40镑的John Lewis购物卡,不过被她拒绝了 —— 她一直在和商家要求更高额的赔偿。 今年,一名住在埃塞克斯Buckhurst区的老人就在当地Waitrose受了重伤。 据其代理律师称,这名70岁的老太太当时正推着购物车。她撞上了一箱无人看管的红薯并摔倒在地,最终手指和膝盖都受伤了。
案例简介:该广告由英国DDB广告公司为英国百货John Lewis和Waitrose重塑零售品牌,该活动的核心理念突出两家零售品牌的合作理念...基本信息 创作者 案例详情 基本信息 广告品牌: John Lewis 发布日期: 2018-09 行业领域: 其他 媒体类别: 短视频 广告语言: 英语 媒介平台: 网络 获得奖项: Cannes Lions ...
Waitrose和百货商场John Lewis是一家,所以经常会在商场的食物区看到Waitrose的超市,不过独立超市就比前面介绍的TESCO和Sainsbury's少一些。 市中心(比如伦敦1区)扎堆的Waitrose便利分店比较多,名字很萌,叫做Little Waitrose。 Waitrose的会员卡叫myWaitrose,网上申请。大概是沾染了英国贵妇们的气息,Waitrose比较傲娇,所以这...
There is a fantastic range of benefits that comes with joining the Waitrose and John Lewis Partnership. These partner benefits include: • As a Partner at Waitrose or John Lewis, after 3 months service, you’ll receive: o 15% discount in Waitrose & Partners ...
A John Lewis Partnership spokesperson said: “We have announced to our Partners our intention to simplify our management structures in Waitrose and John Lewis stores, which will allow us to reinvest in what matters most to our customers.” ...