pip intsll waitress 然后在flask程序内引入依赖 使用server()函数代替app.run()函数 启动时,直接python xxx.py即可 fromwaitressimportservefromflaskimportFlask app= Flask(__name__) @app.route('/')defhello_world():return'Hello World,爱看书的小沐!'if__name__=='__main__':#app.run()#app.run...
我在生产服务器上使用waitress- server来运行我的flask应用程序。但是,每次我想要更改python代码时,我都需要在重新启动它之前手动找到并杀死waitress。$ ps -eaf | grepwaitress$waitress-serve --call --listen= my_app: 浏览29提问于2019-02-18得票数1 ...
请确保您所有的电子设备,包括手机、笔记本电脑都处于关闭状态。 We serve dinner and snacks during the flight, hot and cold drinks are also available in the cafeteria. 航行过程中,我们为大家提供正餐和零食,餐厅里也有热饮和冷饮供应。 Please sit back and enjoy the flight. Thank you. 请大家坐好并享受...
请确保您所有的电子设备,包括手机、笔记本电脑都处于关闭状态。 We serve dinner and snacks during the flight, hot and cold drinks are also available in the cafeteria. 航行过程中,我们为大家提供正餐和零食,餐厅里也有热饮和冷饮供应。 Please sit back and enjoy the flight. Thank you. 请大家坐好并享受...
We serve dinner and snacks during the flight, hot and cold drinks are also available in the cafeteria. 航行过程中,我们为大家提供正餐和零食,餐厅里也有热饮和冷饮供应。 Please sit back and enjoy the flight. Thank you. 请大家坐好并享受这次旅途,谢谢。