格式:gif 文件体积 :334b 分辨率 :23 x 17 爱给网提供海量的合集成套资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为gif 格式的等待(waiting), 本站编号31056440, 该合集成套素材大小为334b, 分辨率为23 x 17, 作者为Trollarch2, 更多精彩合集成套素材,尽在爱给网。
面试官Q:你讲下线程状态中的WAITING状态,什么时候会处于这个状态?什么时候离开这个状态? 小菜J 会心一笑... 一个正在无限期等待另一个线程执行一个特别的动作的线程处于WAITING状态。 A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to perform a particular action is in this state. 然而这里并没有...
对于上述过程,我们也给出以下 gif 动图演示: 注意:哪怕只通知了一个等待的线程,被通知线程也不能立即恢复执行,因为她当初中断的地方是在同步块内,而此刻她已经不持有锁,所以她需要再次尝试去获取锁(很可能面临其它线程的竞争),成功后才能在当初调用 wait 方法之后的地方恢复执行。(这也即是所谓的 “reenter afte...
一个正在无限期等待另一个线程执行一个特别的动作的线程处于WAITING状态。 A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to perform a particular action is in this state. 然而这里并没有详细说明这个“特别的动作”到底是什么,详细定义还是看 javadoc(jdk8): ...
一个正在无限期等待另一个线程执行一个特别的动作的线程处于这一状态。 A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to perform a particular action is in this state. 然而这里并没有详细说明这个“特别的动作”到底是什么,详细定义还是看 javadoc(jdk8): ...
* Test whether the CallManager and Unity servers are able to ping each other. This test ensures that IP connectivity is available.* Check whether you are able to dial the IP phone whose MWI light does not activate. This test causes the IP phone to ring....
One thing users do not like about Web-applications is waiting for some long-running process to finish without knowing if it is really working or not. There are few greater frustrations than looking at the screen and think “What’s going on?”, while the application performs some undercover...