Cast Dexter Waiting to Exhale(Season 2, Episode 2) TV-MA TV Episode|56 min|Crime, Drama, Mystery Edit pageAdd to list Dexter remains on the trail of a dangerous new victim, while the traumatized Debra loses control on the job and a high-profile FBI agent arrives in Miami to investigate...
Waiting to Exhale is a 1995 romantic drama directed by Forest Whitaker and based on Terry McMillan's best-selling novel of the same name. The film boasts an impressive ensemble cast including Whitney Houston, Angela Bassett, Loretta Devine, and Lela Rochon. The film's plot revolves around the...
Sure, that young man mucking stalls in Asheville would have been thrilled by the chance to settle down and start a family, and who knows, maybe he would have found another opportunity to pursue his dream of horsemanship (one that didn’t require living in a barn). Most likely though it ...