Many Financial Advisors are not Telling Clients the Advantages of Waiting to 70 to Collect Social SecurityDave Lindorff
I waited to collect SS until age 70 and then retired. It was a bit stunning to log on to SSA when I was 69 + 10 months and to realize that the monthly difference from taking SS at that age and waiting the month or so until age 70 was roughly $400/month in future payments. I’...
We can expect the band to make an announcement while on tour in Japan. They possibly announce it via their site and the the common social media. Spain and Italy are now mentioned as well as 4 shows in Germany – which would include Munich and Hamburg apart from Berlin and Cologne. But ...
This is where on-device processing can really help. If the data never leaves your device, it is immediately more private than cloud-based solutions. That's not to say it is completely without risks, or that companies won't still try and collect your data. However, it is absolutely better...