“waiting for zerotier system service...” 这个提示通常出现在尝试使用 ZeroTier One(一种用于构建虚拟网络的软件)时,系统或应用程序正在等待 ZeroTier 的系统服务(也称为守护进程或后台服务)启动或响应。ZeroTier 允许用户跨互联网创建和管理虚拟的局域网(LAN),但它需要其服务在后台运行以维持连接和路由。这个提...
Zerotier桌面版,打开后任务栏图标出现,但是右键菜单中一直卡在 "Waiting for ZeroTier system service... ",无法启动服务,网上的办法试了很多,最后发现其实是个很简单的端口占用问题。解决方法: 用记事本打开"C:\ProgramData\ZeroTier\One\zerotier-one.port",查看当前zerotier-one运行的端口,默认是9993 之后有两...
我发现我一重启后,服务程序exe莫名其妙就被干掉了,重启ZeroTier One服务会提示“找不到此应用程序” __EOF__
最近在搞zerotier,但是下载好之后,发现客户端右键一直显示waiting for zerotier system service,不显示UI界面,虽然可以通过CMD的命令连接上NetWork,但是还是不太方便,找了好久,最后在zerotier的论坛上找到了某位叫"周星星"的用户发布的解决方案(感谢周星星😂) 解决方案为:先下载zerotier的1.6.1的版本,然后再覆盖安...
(so it starts at login and is running all the time). Whenever the machine crashes (for example: due to power loss), the machine powers back on, but ZeroTier is left hanging with the subject state (doesn’t run, and displays ‘Waiting for ZeroTier system service’ in the taskbar info...
@knw257I managed to connect the peers to the net, ty. after all the UI client still on same position, don't wanna show and still says Waiting for ZeroTier system service... but at least it runs.
I have the latest version 1.8.4), the service is running, but when i click on the tray icon i got only 1 option : quit zerotier ui. The other option is greyed out so i can’t click it and it’s saying “waiting for ZeroTier system service”. I’ve checked my firewall and ...
Hi, I'm using Zerotier on an embedded Linux platform which is updated with full system images (i.e. the rootfs is erased and reflashed at every update). I'm backing up the content of the /var/lib/zerotier-one/ folder to keep my device's ...
最近重装了zerotier,然后发现gui打开一直提示Waiting for ZeroTier system service, 问题的原因是用户有无效的本地API授权令牌副本 解决问题是 macOS修复程序: 关闭ZeroTier托盘应用程序 打开终端并执行以下命令: rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/ZeroTier/One/authtoken.secret ...
hi, i’ve been trying to open the desktop ui for zerotier for hours now. I have the latest version 1.8.4), the service is running, but when i click on the tray icon i got only 1 option : quit zerotier ui. The other option…