>Waitingforserverlog... 解决:把服务器端的/home/自己的用户名/.vscode-server删除即可 查看全部文件:ll -a rm-rf .vscode-server 再次连接即可解决该问题。 删除该文件后可能导致无法选择 conda 环境,还有就是无法跳转代码。这是因为 服务器的插件也没了。 在VScode的扩展,那里的服务器地方安装Code Runner,Pyt...
问题:vscode 出现循环错误 waiting for server log一直报错, vscode升级后要求: Runldd --versionto check the glibc version. Runstrings /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6 | grep GLIBCXXto see if libstdc++ 3.4.25 is available. ubuntu 18.04 没法满足,升级libstdc++ 太麻烦, 只能降级vscode使用了:用这个版本的:...
连个vscode远程,failed,一看报错,人傻了。。。 Waiting for server log... 试图跟着官方引导修复,发现需要升级glibc和libstdc++两个依赖库 (Linux Prerequisites for Visual Studio Code Remote Development) 啥,1804还被abandon了???不想换镜像。。。 成功解决——升级libc 通过Debian源更新libc 添加源、公钥,更新...
> Waiting for server log... [22:25:53.112] stderr> rm: cannot remove ‘/home/users/keyon/.vscode-server/.441438abd1ac652551dbe4d408dfcec8a499b8bf.token’: No such file or directory [22:25:53.112] stderr> bash: line 504: 92477 Segmentation fault $VSCH_SERVER_SCRIPT --start-server...
swarren 19237 98.1 0.1 173860 161784 ? Sl 14:30 0:53 /home/swarren/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-vscode.cpptools-1.19.9-linux-x64/bin/cpptools swarren 19364 0.0 0.0 6480 2256 pts/0 S+ 14:31 0:00 grep --color=auto cpp swarren@machinename:~$ kill 19237 19323 ...
Determines if there is output to render for the specified window. C++/CX 复制 public: int IsOutputWaiting(unsigned int uCookie); Parameters uCookie UInt32 [in] A cookie, returned by Create(UInt32, UInt32, Int32, UInt32), specifying the window. Returns Int32 If the me...
202311.13 windows通过vscode ssh远程连接到Ubuntu 连接失败 waiting for server log 关闭VScode时没有关闭终端的Ubuntu进程? 导致重启后不能正常连接到Ubuntu了 Windows 系统自带的cmd终端通过ssh可以连接 应该是vscode里对Ubuntu的服务器端配置出了问题 参考:记录 VSCode ssh 连接远程服务器时出错及解决方法...
Determines if there is output to render for the specified window. C++/CX Copy public: int IsOutputWaiting(unsigned int uCookie); Parameters uCookie UInt32 [in] A cookie, returned by Create(UInt32, UInt32, Int32, UInt32), specifying the window. Returns Int32 If the me...
Determines if there is output to render for the specified window. C++/CX 复制 public: int IsOutputWaiting(unsigned int uCookie); Parameters uCookie UInt32 [in] A cookie, returned by Create(UInt32, UInt32, Int32, UInt32), specifying the window. Returns ...
Determines if there is output to render for the specified window. C++/CX Copiar public: int IsOutputWaiting(unsigned int uCookie); Parameters uCookie UInt32 [in] A cookie, returned by Create(UInt32, UInt32, Int32, UInt32), specifying the window. Returns Int32 If the m...