当你遇到“waiting for postgres - no response”的错误时,这通常意味着你的应用程序或工具无法连接到运行在本地(的PostgreSQL数据库服务器上的5432端口。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤: 检查PostgreSQL服务是否正在运行: 在Linux系统上,你可以使用以下命令来检查PostgreSQL服务状态: bash sudo...
The postgres docker image we use isx86/amd64, to make it work on M1/M2 Mac, we should use Arm Docker image Could you please update theposgres imageindocker-compose.ymltoimage: arm64v8/postgres:14-alpineand see if it works? Thx. ...
zabbix-docker-postgres-server-1 | zabbix-docker-postgres-server-1 | PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skippin zabbix-docker-postgres-server-1 | zabbix-docker-postgres-server-1 | 2023-11-17 19:12:09.525 UTC [1] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 15.5 on x8 zabbix-docker-pos...
We are experimenting withpatroni Multi Datacenter HAwith postgres16 using replication slots. At high level for building the remote cluster from scratch , we are by running base backup, while active is experiencing writes . We use replication slot for hot standby via patroni ...
I am testing a little udp server I created. In my test environment, I have a udp client that runs every 30 seconds and it sends a packet to the server. The server decodes packet and inserts data into postgresql database. There is absolut...
After running a load test against my postgres backed web application, the database didn't respond anymore for still unknown reasons. According to kubernetes it was up and running The log showed a bunch of these messages. Not sure yet why but possibly it couldn't access the volume anymore: ...
IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 5000 env: - name: REDIS_HOST value: redis-cluster-ip-service - name: REDIS_PORT value: '6379' - name: PGUSER value: postgres - name: PGHOST value: postgres-cluster-ip-service - name: PGPORT value: '5432' - name: PGDATABASE value: postgres - ...