8-01-等待高蒂-Waiting-for-Goldie课件.ppt,8-01-等待高蒂-Waiting-for-Goldie课件 About Racing Pigeons1. What do you know about racing pigeons? Danny’s grandad was in hospital, so Danny had the important job of waiting for Goldie. Grandads chion racing pige
Good English Waiting for Goldie Thank you T or F statements 1. When Goldie es back, Danny will move like lightening to take her ring off. 2. Granddad can tell if the pigeons are go
等待高蒂WaitingforGoldie-推荐精选PPT AboutRacingPigeons 1.Whatdoyouknowaboutracingpigeons?Danny’sgrandadwasinhospital,soDannyhadtheimportantjobofwaitingforGoldie.Grandad'schampionracingpigeon.However,Goldiedidn’treturn.Retelling Chapter1Whereisshe?Chapter2GrandadChapter3Thefalcon’snestChapter4Inthequarry...
高中英语 Waiting for Goldie课件 外研版.ppt,T or F statements 1. When Goldie comes back, Danny will move like lightening to take her ring off. 2. Granddad can tell if the pigeons are good racers by looking in their eyes. 3. Danny feels that the flowers do
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8-01 等待高蒂 Waiting for Goldie.ppt阅读:846次|页数:15页|上传:2013-11-06 00:30 AboutRacingPigeons 1.Whatdoyouknow aboutracingpigeons? 2.Whatcantheydo thatisspecial? AboutRacingPigeons Qualitiesneeded: Breed Skeleton Wings Tail Eyes Danny’sgrandadwasinhospital,soDanny hadtheimportantjobofwaiting...
本作品内容为典范英语9-1waiting for goldie等待高蒂,格式为ppt,大小3.9M,页数为19, 请使用Microsoft Office相关软件打开,作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图片更改可选中图片后单击鼠标右键选择更换图片,也可根据自身需求增加和删除作品中的内容文本。 你可能感兴趣的 个人求职简历 ...
典范英语9 waiting for Goldie学案 热度: GoodEnglish WaitingforGoldie •1 •2 Thankyou •3 TorFstatements 1.WhenGoldiecomesback,Dannywill movelikelighteningtotakeherringoff. 2.Granddadcantellifthepigeonsaregood racersbylookingintheireyes.
Waiting for Goldie Going to the hospital Finding the falcon’s nest Finding Goldie ing home Retelling T or F statements 1. Granddad can tell if the pigeons are good racers by looking in their eyes. 2. Danny feels that the flowers don’t smell flowers partly because he doesn’t have a ...