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WaitingBeckettSamuelGodotfor WaitingforGodotAtragicomedyin2actsbySamuelBeckettEstragonVladimirLuckyPozzoaboy*ACTI*Acountryroad.Atree.Evening.Estragon,sittingonalowmound,istryingtotakeoffhisboot.Hepullsatitwithbothhands,panting.Hegivesup,exhausted,rests,triesagain.Asbefore.EnterVladimir.ESTRAGON:(givingupagain)....
VLADIMIR: Wait for Godot. (Estragon groans. Silence.) Things have changed here since yesterday. ESTRAGON: And if he doesn't come? VLADIMIR: (after a moment of bewilderment). We'll see when the time comes. (Pause.) I was saying that things have changed here since yesterday. ESTRAGON: ...
waiting_for_godot等待戈多的英文全文本。。搜索 Waiting for Godot tragicomedy in 2 acts By Samuel Beckett Estragon Vladimir Lucky Pozzo a boy ACT I A country road. A tree. Evening. Estragon, sitting on a low mound, is trying to take off his boot. He pulls at it with both hands, panting...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) waitingforgodot等待戈多讲课稿.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 waitingforgodot等待戈多讲课稿 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:色得死 审核时间:2021-04-16 审核编号:8116110005003074 ...
其余的时间里都是无休无止的等待——等待着一个名叫戈多(Godot)的人出现。 塞缪尔·贝克特的这出戏的上演,是当时巴黎知识界的一件大事。它产生的震动,同八年前萨特关于存在主义的讲演几无二致。夜复一夜,观众们庄严地坐着,仿佛在观看海德格尔哲学的戏剧解说——年轻的小说家阿兰·罗伯-格里耶(Alain Robbe-...
godotestragonvladimir戈多waitingrummages WaitingForGodotbySamuelBeckett ESTRAGON:Let'shangourselvesimmediately! VLADIMIR:Fromabough?(Theygotowardsthetree.)Iwouldn'ttrustit. ESTRAGON:Wecanalwaystry. VLADIMIR:Goahead. ESTRAGON:Afteryou. VLADIMIR:Nono,youfirst. ESTRAGON:Whyme? VLADIMIR:You'relighterthanIam. ...
waitingforgodot:等待戈多 Waiting For Godot by Samuel Beckett ESTRAGON: Let's hang ourselves immediately!VLADIMIR: From a bough? (They go towards the tree.) I wouldn't trust it. ESTRAGON: We can always try.VLADIMIR: Go ahead.ESTRAGON: After you.VLADIMIR: No no, you first.ESTRAGON: Why ...
waiting for godot 等待戈多 A country road. A tree.Evening.Estragon, sitting on a low mound, is trying to take off his boot. He pulls at it with both hands, panting. # Image from timil.com He gives up, exhausted, rests, tries again.As before.Enter Vladimir.ESTRAGON:(giving up a...
VLADIMIR: Wait for Godot. (Estragon groans. Silence.) Things have changed here since yesterday. ESTRAGON: And if he doesn't come? VLADIMIR: (after a moment of bewilderment). We'll see when the time comes. (Pause.) I was saying that things have changed here since yesterday. ESTRAGON: ...