Guys i need help, my O+ Duo, dual boot tablet, is stuck in Entering Dnx mode. Waiting for fastboot command... i tried unlocking by sending a command...
This shall launch the Command Prompt. You may now try entering the required ADB or Fastboot command and check whether the waiting for device error has been fixed. Fix 4: Install Android Bootloader Interface Drivers In some instances, simply installing the Android SDK tools might not be enough....
最近一段时间发现好多广告时不时冒出来,很烦,就恢复出厂设置,再打开,就只能到intel的logo那里就过不去,按开关和音量键就出现entering dnx mode waiting fastboot command...以前恢复过一次出厂设置,没有问题。现在该咋整?有没有跟我一样情况的? 送TA礼物 1楼2017-04-14 09:57回复 篮子巨人 后起之秀 7 ...
I am trying to unlock bootloader in my ASUS zenfone max pro m2 and using Ubuntu 20.04 All adb commands and "fastboot devices" command is working. But other...
Any fastboot command I issue returns "waiting for any device". 1st thing of all things in order to run Fastboot commands is you have to run command Code: fastboot devices what establishes the USB connection. As long as the connection isn't established Fastboot throws message "waiting for ...
x98 air ii..x98 air iii 最近每次开机都出现entering dnx mode. waitingfor fastboot command,,,。只是正常按住1个开机键。现在基本每次的强关2-3次才不不会
I followed the procedure given in this link http://www.omappedia.org/wiki/Using_EMMC_on_OMAP4_devices. "./fastboot oem format " when i use this command to format just as specified. The PC hangs saying "<waiting for device>".can any one help me out.thanks and regardsRavi...
dofastboot=0emmc_linux_boot=echo Trying to boot Linux from eMMC ...; setenv mmcdev 0; setenv bootpart 0:2; setenv mmcroot /dev/mmcblk0p2 rw; run mmcboot;envboot=mmc dev ${mmcdev}; if mmc rescan; then echo SD/MMC found on device ${mmcdev};if run loadb...
UUU has a lot of capabilities, and one of is to use for communication during Fastboot mode. In the situation where user accidentally hit a key to stop autoboot, and it is not able to enter fastboot mode, then it will stuck forever since -t command did not work for "uuu....