错误信息 waiting for cache lock: could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend 表明在尝试使用 dpkg(Debian 软件包管理器)时,系统无法获取对前端缓存的锁定文件 /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend 的访问权限。这通常意味着另一个进程正在使用 dpkg,或者之前的 dpkg 进程异常终止,导致锁定文件未被正确释放。
Waitingforcache lock: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend. It is held by process1565(unattended-upgr)... 原因是 因为其他一些程序正在尝试更新 Ubuntu。 当命令或应用程序更新系统或安装新软件时,它会锁定 dpkg 文件(Debian包管理器)。完成此锁定是为了让两个进程不会同时更改内容,因为这可能...
You iptables version may be incompatible with K3s. Seehttps://docs.k3s.io/advanced#additional-preparation-for-debian-buster-based-distributions. Also it is recommended that you disable firewalld or allow exceptions on the ports for the control plane node. Those could be showing up as conflicting...
windows | Unable to setup corepath for smbd: File exists windows | smbd version 4.21.0-Debian-4.21.0+dfsg-1 started. windows | Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2024 windows | invalid permissions on directory '/run/samba/msg.lock': has 0777 should be 0755 windows | ❯...
在基于 Debian 的系统上运行 `apt-get` 命令是很常规的。软件包的更新相当频繁,诸如 `apt-get update` 和 `apt... Nihaorz 0 3532 apt-get卸载库 2019-12-25 21:43 − apt-get的卸载相关的命令有remove/purge/autoremove/clean/autoclean等。具体来说: apt-get purge / apt-get --purge remove...
在主从 semi-sync 复制正常运行时,kill -9 从库mysqld进程,之后在主库执行的新事务会处于Waiting for semi-sync ACK from slave状态。 一、如果主库执行的是flush xxx等非事务型语句,则不会阻塞set global super_read_only=on的执行: 二、如果主库执行的是事务型的语句,比如create database、insert into,则...
在进行SBT编译过程中,经常会碰到这样的问题。。。 Waiting for lock on */.ivy2/.sbt.ivy.lock to be available Waiting for lock on */.sbt/boot/sbt.boot.lock to be available... 针对这种问题,其原因是同时开启了多个终端进行SBT的编译,才导致进行锁的机制,能做的就是进入到相应的目录,将这几个文件...
在基于 Debian 的系统上运行 `apt-get` 命令是很常规的。软件包的更新相当频繁,诸如 `apt-get update` 和 `apt... Nihaorz 0 3532 Ubuntu遇到apt-get update报错:"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock" 2019-12-20 10:58 − sudo apt-get update报错:"E: Could not get lock ...
Maybe, for example, to close the table it should open some another table, but there is a limit reached already, or something this way? If it should or even may deadlock, then it is clear that it can rarely hit this state even with table_cache of 500. Please comment these consideration...
the code for the function in frame 2 virtual void TimedWait(int64 timeout_ms) { mutex_->DropLockControl(); condvar_->TimedWait(timeout_ms); mutex_->TakeLockControl(); } so there really should be no reason for timeout_ms being reset to 0...Contributor jmarantz commented on Aug 21, ...