Marie Calendar 的烤宽面条碗,Cash Wise Foods 杂货店 Waite Park,怀特大道南,明尼苏达州怀特帕克,美国 2年前 •reported by user-nprw7698 • 细节 昨天11:30 吃了玛丽日历的烤宽面条碗。4:30 时腹痛太可怕了。从下午 6:00 到 7:30 呕吐。 | 症状: 呕吐, 胃痛 #mariecallenders #waitepark #...
This phenomenon has been observed in captive populations of pythons, cobras, turkeys, Komodo dragons, and chickens. In other words, I contend that the female dinosaurs in the matriarchal dystopia of Jurassic Park have learned how to clone themselves. Which is not to say Isla Nublar has to rem...