你有一个活动会话,它通过使用 sql_text 或 plan_handle 等全局操作收集 Wait_info XEvent。 默认的 system_health 会话也会收集 Wait_info XEvent。 系统忙于运行多个并行串行和 并行查询。 在此方案中,如果在关闭并行请求时出现延迟, wait_info 可能会触发 XEvent。 当并行请求在之前关闭时 XEvent 全局操作完...
您可以在 Microsoft SQL Server 2014、2016或2017中使用 sqlos.wait_info 事件建立 XEvent 會話。 XEvent 會話包含下列一或多個全域動作: sql_text、tsql_frame、tsql_stack、query_hash 或 query_hash_signed。 伺服器位於高負載服務于許多併發並行查詢的下方。 在這種情況下,SQL Server 可能...
alter event session WaitTest on server state = stop select * from fn_xe_file_target_read_file('c:temp*.xel', 'c:temp*.xem', NULL, NULL) where event_data like '%5000%' go <event name="wait_info" package="sqlos" id="48" version="1" timestamp="2010-10...
The WAIT_INFO XEvent logs when a non-preemptive worker thread in SQL Server enters or leaves a “wait state”. (note: pre-emptive threads have their own event: WAIT_INFO_EXTERNAL). If a thread needs to wait for an I/...
SearchServerLibLock 用于GPU加速场景初始化加载特定动态库时,对读文件操作进行加锁。 Resource manage LWLOCK事件 ResourcePoolHashLock 用于避免并发访问或者修改资源池哈希表。 Resource manage LWLOCK事件 WorkloadStatHashLock 用于避免并发访问或者修改包含CN侧的SQL请求构成的哈希表。 Resource manage LWLOCK事件 Workload...
After five years of waiting, users will finally get their hands on a completely new version of Microsoft's database product when SQL Server 2005 and a new database management system (DBMS) are released next ...
In MySQL 5.6.13 and later, you can control the length of time (in seconds) that STOP SLAVE waits before timing out by setting this variable. This can be used to avoid deadlocks between STOP SLAVE and other slave SQL statements using different client connections to the slave. The maximum an...
1、sleep()方法会给其他线程运行的机会,而不考虑其他线程的优先级,因此会给较低线程一个运行的机会;yield()方法只会给相同优先级或者更高优先级的线程一个运行的机会。 2、当线程执行了sleep(long millis)方法后,将转到阻塞状态,参数millis指定睡眠时间;当线程执行了yield()方法后,将转到就绪状态。
Added in SQL Server version: Pre-2005/2005 Removed in SQL Server version: N/A Extended Events wait_type value: The map_key value in sys.dm_xe_map_values is 184 in 2008 and 2008 R2, and 188 in 2012 and 2014 RTM. After 2014 RTM, you must check the DMV to get the latest value ...
Added in SQL Server version: 2008 Removed in SQL Server version: N/A Extended Events wait_type value: The map_key value in sys.dm_xe_map_values is 528 in 2008 and 2008 R2, 576 in 2012, and 592 in 2014 RTM. After 2014 RTM, you must check the DMV to get the latest value as so...