writel(AVS_CPU_L2_INT_MASK, priv->avs_intr_base + AVS_CPU_L2_SET0);/* Wait for AVS co-processor to finish processing the command. */time_left =wait_for_completion_timeout(&priv->done, time_left);/* * If the AVS status is not in the expected range, it means AVS didn't * ...
module_init(wait_for_completion_timeout_init);module_exit(wait_for_completion_timeout_exit); 实例运行结果及分析: 首先编译模块,执行命令insmod wait_for_completion_timeout.ko插入内核模块,此时终端会出现短暂的停顿,因为进程阻塞所至,当终端恢复命令行模式时,输入命令dmesg -c会出现如图A所示的结果。 去掉子...
wait_for_completion_*_timeout() can return: 0: if the wait timed out -ve: if the wait was interrupted +ve: if the completion was completed. As they currently return an 'unsigned long', the last two cases are not easily distinguished which can easily result in buggy code, as is the...
ret =wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout(&lcd->complete, CHARLCD_TIMEOUT);/* Disable IRQ after completion */writel(0x00, lcd->virtbase + CHAR_MASK);if(ret <0) { dev_err(lcd->dev,"wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout() ""returned %d waiting for ready\n", ret);return; ...
C++ (Cpp) wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout - 30 examples found. These are the top rated real world C++ (Cpp) examples of wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the
函数:wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout( ) 文件包含: #include <linux/completion.h> 函数定义: 在内核源码中的位置:linux-3.19.3/kernel/sched/completion.c 函数定义格式: long __sched wait_for_completion
在下文中一共展示了wait_for_completion_timeout函数的15个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的C++代码示例。 示例1: __issue_avs_command ▲点赞 7▼ staticint__issue_avs_command(struct private_data *priv,intcmd,boolis_send...