等待事件是指数据库在等待某些资源时产生的事件。简单来说,当查询请求资源(如I/O、锁、等)而无法立即获取时,就会产生等待事件。MySQL提供了对这些事件的监控,这样管理员和开发者可以了解到系统的瓶颈所在。 MySQL的主要等待事件类型 MySQL的等待事件可以大致分为以下几类: 锁等待(Lock Waits):当线程在等待获取某个...
This Deadlock is called as intra-query parallelism deadlockWherever you have threads waiting for resources, there is a risk that they will end up in a circular blocking chain . The synchronization objects used in parallel query execution are no exception; in rare cases, the threads running a ...