1. Wait until keyword succeeds 意味着等待直到某个特定的关键字成功执行。2. 在这个上下文中,关键字可能是一个命令、操作或条件,其成功执行是等待过程的结束标志。3. 使用这个关键字可以帮助程序或操作在特定条件满足之前保持等待状态。4. "Wait until keyword succeeds" 通常用于自动化脚本或程序中,...
Robot Framework自动化测试用具 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds关键字使用案例,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
等待直到关键字成功 wait until keyword succeeds 等待直到关键字成功
这里是一个示例的片段,通过装饰器,在调用 check 函数之前,引用这个装饰器,从而达到间隔一定时间(retry_timeout)、执行一定次数(retry_interval)来实现类似 RFWait Until Keyword Succeeds的功能 对应测试用例基类的检查操作示例如下: @assert_check def check_snapshot(self, gateway_group, target_id, iscsi_id, sn...
1. The phrase "Wait until keyword succeeds" refers to the act of waiting until a specific keyword has successfully executed.2. In this context, the keyword represents a command, operation, or condition that must be met for the waiting process to conclude.3. Utilizing such a ...
Run Keyword And Return Status, Run Keyword And Continue On Failure, Run Keyword And Expect Error, Wait Until Keyword Succeeds *** Test Cases *** case1 #即使错误也继续执行,也不记录失败,且可以返回执行状态和错误信息 ${Run Keyword And Ignore Error status} ${statusValue} Run Keyword And Ignore...
#重复执行关键字 Repeat Keyword 2 Log repeat #在规定时间规定频率内执行关键字,直到成功。如果超时还未成功,则失败,终止用例执行。 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s log Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 执行成功 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s evaluate 1/0...
There are use case test where we are expecting a test to fail if there is a failure in a loop which keep checking every x interval basically the inverse logic of Wait Until Keyword Succeeds. So we ended up writing a similar code for it taking cue from existing Wait Until Keyword ...
However, this query just returns a keyword. To understand the cause of the different values of thelog_reuse_wait_desc, we need to dig a little deeper. Log Records SQL Server uses the transaction log to guarantee the ACID properties, particularly the durability requirement. For every transaction...
#重复执行关键字 Repeat Keyword 2 Log repeat #在规定时间规定频率内执行关键字,直到成功。如果超时还未成功,则失败,终止用例执行。 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s log Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 执行成功 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s evaluate 1/0...