Ontario's wait time strategy: part 1. Ontario's Wait Time Strategy was designed to improve access to healthcare services in the public system by reducing the time that adult Ontarians wait for services in five areas-cancer surgery, cardiac revascularization procedures (cardi... J Trypuc,A Huds...
Larger negative associations were observed at community hospitals and urgent care centers. Increases in wait times at a given site were also associated with increased patient volumes at other sites in the system.After the implementation of a public wait time website, elevated wait times led to ...
Associations Between Waiting Times, Service Times, and Patient Satisfaction in an Endocrinology Outpatient Department: A Time Study and Questionnaire Survey We also suggest that care providers are encouraged to continue to show empathy and respect for patients, that patients are provided with private are...
Results There were a total of 42 230 patients who met inclusion (Table 1) and were treated by 522 orthopedic surgeons at 72 Ontario hospitals. Their mean (SD) age was 80.1 (10.7) years, and 70.5% were women (Table 2). The mean (SD) time to surgery was 38.8 (28.8) hours. Adjust...
Fig. 2.. Surgical case trends at the two Children's Hospitals during the time period. The red bars indicate the week of lowest case numbers. During the first and second months of reactivation in OL, 181 and 393 procedures were completed on adults. During the first and second months of re...
“They practise medicine in every health-care setting, from hospitals to emergency rooms to private practice to operating suites,” Orozco said, of the high ranking. “They take care of a patient in every specialty, from primary care to pediatrics all the way through ge...
This chapter introduces two items which are mandatory for any dataset which hopes to support the analysis of waiting lists. It was once understood that the direction and extent of any change in size was determined by the balance of ‘enrolments’ and ‘admissions.’ We can assess the effect ...
Small rural EDs in Ontario had the shortest wait times for both high- and low-acuity patients (medians 2.35 h for high-acuity and 1.46 h for low-acuity patients in small rural EDs v. 4.98 h for high-acuity and 2.85 h for lowacuity patients in teaching hospitals). Conclusion: Among ...
Wait times for sleep apnea care in Ontario: a multidisciplinary assessment. BACKGROUND: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a highly prevalent disorder that is associated with significant patient morbidity and societal burden. In gene... BW Rotenberg,CF George,KM Sullivan,... - Canadian Respiratory...
The Times They Are A-Changing: What Worked and What We Learned in Deploying Ontario's Wait Time Information System How many days would you be comfortable waiting if you needed cancer surgery? What would you do if someone, not as medically urgent, was able to receive an MRI or CT scan be...