godotwait用法 在Godot游戏引擎中,`wait`是一个用于暂停代码执行的函数,常用于实现延迟执行或定时器功能。下面是`wait`函数的用法示例:1.基本用法:```gdscriptfunc_ready():print("Start")yield(get_tree().create_timer(2.0),"timeout")print("Waitedfor2seconds")在上述示例中,`yield`函数与`wait`一...
When you’re getting ready to launch into space, you’re sitting on a big explosion waiting to happen. So most astronauts getting ready to lift off are excited and very anxious and worried about that explosion—because if something goes wrong in the first seconds of launch, there's not ver...
However, I could go with simply looping over a huge amount of numbers or awaiting for a fixed number of seconds. If there's nothing else you'd like to add, you can consider this as solved for me. Thanks a lot! Member AThousandShips commented Mar 10, 2024 I'd suggest using other ...
6.I have no choice except to wait.除了等待,我别无选择。 7.After that, there was nothing to do but wait.然后,除了等待无事可做。 8."Existence means Nothing" from the Study of "Nothing" in Waiting for Godot;存在即无——关于《等待戈多》中“无”的研究 9.Waited in the dentist's office...
3, 2 ...Wonder WomanmeetsSuicide Squad-- ah yes, there it is. Leto is very down to reprise his role as The Joker opposite Gal Godot, "Oh my god, if I was only so lucky." Well, if anyone knows how to deal with Jared Leto's stupid on-set pranks, it's Wonder Woman. ...