4. “天才就是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水”还有后半句(3) 5. The type com.sun.star.lang.XEventListener cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files(2) 分类:mq 标签:wait response on the channel 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 光辉飞翔 粉丝-59关注 -25 +加关注 0 ...
按字面的意思, 是服务端没有应答, 如果设置成3秒, 发现存在应答时间为2秒左右的比较多, 可以确认是服务端应答很慢, 那应该怎么定位这类问题, 在线急, 谢谢~ 后面将vip channel 改为false, 又有报 org.apache.rocketmq.remoting.exception.RemotingTimeoutException: wait response on the channel <
RemotingTimeoutException: wait response on the channel timeout 3000ms. We excluded network problems by network packet capture. When producer send A message ,the broker need 4000ms to respond, or even more.This has exceeded the maximum timeout. I'm sorry I can't go to the email community ...
An audio error has occurred, player will skip forward in 2 seconds. 作词: 朴树 作曲: 朴树 那片笑声让我想起 我的那些花儿 在我生命每个角落 静静为我开着 我曾以为我会永远 守在她身旁 今天我们已经离去 在人海茫茫 她们都老了吧? 她们在哪里呀? 幸运的是我 曾陪她们开放 啦...想她 啦...她还在...
response on channel<:10909> timeout, 3000(ms) URL:https://github.com/apache/rocketmq/issues/647**FEATURE REQUEST** 目前是双 Master 模式,Producer 端经常会报异常,堆栈信息如下: ``` org.apache.rocketmq.remoting.exception.RemotingTimeoutException: wait ...
[GitHub] [rocketmq] 8da2k commented on issue #428: 客户端时不时报org.apache.rocketmq.remoting.exception.RemotingTimeoutException: wait response on the channel <:10909> timeout, 1500(ms) GitBoxMon, 31 Aug 2020 04:23:37 -0700 8da2k commented on issue #428: URL:https://github.com/apache...
": False, "exception": exception, }) with cond: cond.notify() with cond: self.request_async(request_type, request, on_success, on_error, sequential) cond.wait() if not response_cont["success"]: raise response_cont["exception"] return response_cont["type"], response_cont["respons...
stream->parent->priv->timeoutSource.schedule([protector, stream] { releaseStreamTrackInfo(protector.get(), stream); });g_cond_wait(&stream->parent->priv->streamCondition, &stream->parent->priv->streamMutex); } } g_timeout_add(300, (GSourceFunc)freeStreamLater, stream); ...
由于部分网站严格的反爬机制、再加上大量使用带来的计算压力,RSSHub 鼓励用户自建使用。但如果你也有自建...
Waiting in the context of wait events CPU consumption In well-tuned systems, the wait events make up about 60% of the response time. Otherwise, the proportion may be much higher, which has a negative effect on the response times. Wait event tuning can therefore frequently bring about a ...