This meme shows a cute baby with an expression of victory and clenched fist to match. Although he looks like he celebrated his first baby victory, like drinking juice for the first time, he is really expressing how our inner-child feels when we find out it is Friday when you have been ...
@wh0 Thanks for spending time and looking into it! I wonder if it works with a pipeline that has some number of PassThroughs in between That was a great catch! It WON'T work when I add one or more PassThrough. The problem as I see it is that over time, various new places have ...
In my hurry either to catch a train or exit the station as quickly as possible, I passed by this scene for years without noticing what I was seeing. And when did look at it one day, after I heard Michael Meade use the phrase, ‘the world behind the world,’ I knew this was part...
The phrase has become a staple illustration for those who are looking at the potential of mobiles to change the world. But there is more to it than simple ‘access.’ We need to think beyond access. What is missed in this meme’s beautiful simplicity is that the mobile access/mobile ...
I’ve been one of those people preaching patience — mainly because I remember when in order to hear a diss track, you had to either go find the mixtape it was on, wait for it to be premiered on the radio or live on stage, or wait for an artist’s album to drop. A back-and-...
Peoplewho blamed others for taking away the jobs they were unqualified to havecould rage with abandon. And the ends justify the means. And if it meant that some powerless person was harmed or killed to make otherwise ineffectual white men (mostly) feel empowered, well, all the better.And th...
Reponding to your call for questions, here’s something I’ve been thinking about lately : do you think the dc universe (the shared superhero universe, not the multimedia app which is still not available out of the States, damn it !) is instrisically more interesting than the marvel ...
To be sure, this trend of democratized, and decentralized, finance didn’t appear out of nowhere — Bitcoin has been around for more than a decade. But the pandemic — or, more precisely, the huge influx of government stimulus in response to it — brought these trends to the fore more ...
Hacking is serious business these days: There’s always another attack that might have stolen your online information, another devicethat may be spying on you, or another vulnerability that you have to watch out for until it gets patched. That’s no fun. ...
【016】how to stop translating in your head_ 5-steps to get stuck less and speak f 【017】how to connect words in american english_ _ tips & tricks 【018】how to pronounce and, of, or and for in a sentence_ reductions in english ...