WAIT FOR ASYNCHRONOUS TASKS [MESSAGING CHANNELS] [PUSH CHANNELS] UNTILlog_exp[UP TO sec SECONDS]. This variant of the statementWAITis designed only for use after anasynchronous RFCwith callback routines. Anylogical expressioncan be specified forlog_expafterUNTIL. ...
WAIT FOR ASYNCHRONOUS TASKS UNTIL md_finished = abap_true. out->write( |Process completed: { lo_timer->get_runtime( ) - ld_start }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD finished. md_finished = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. Conclusion So how do you wait for the process to complete? With our exa...
The variantsWAIT FOR ASYNCHRONOUS TASKS,WAIT FOR MESSAGING CHANNELS, andWAIT FOR PUSH CHANNELSof this statement are useful only when used in combination with callback routines inaRFC,AMC, orAPC. The variant shown here does not wait for callback routines. ...
} 这里,我们声明了AsynchronousCodeExample()方法,并将其标记为async,以便我们可以在其中使用await操作符。我们打印执行线程的CurrentManagedThreadId,并定义我们将要等待的Task,通过调用Thread.Sleep()模拟一个长时间运行的操作。 然后我们使用await关键字来异步等待Task的完成并接收其结果。注意,在这种情况下,我们不需要像...
publicSystem.Threading.Tasks.TaskWaitAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken); Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken TheCancellationTokento monitor for a cancellation request. Returns Task TheTaskrepresenting the asynchronous wait. It may or may not be the same instance as the current ...
AS_CHILD Yes, Yes (none) DFHASAS WAIT_MVS MISC User Asynchronous services waits AS_ANY Yes, Yes (none) DFHASAS WAIT_MVS MISC User Asynchronous services waits ASPARENT Yes, Yes (none) DFHASAS SUSPEND MISC User Asynchronous services waits CCSTWAIT VSMSTRNG DFHCCCC WAIT_OLDC IO System CI...
Waiting_tasks_count and wait_time_ms for this wait type should be both 0 unless instance shutdown has already started. 10. BROKER_TASK_STOP Service Broker has several task handlers to execute broker internal tasks related to transmission of messages, asynchronous network operations and processing...
The CancellationToken to monitor for a cancellation request. Returns Task The Task representing the asynchronous wait. It may or may not be the same instance as the current instance. Exceptions ArgumentNullException The timeProvider argument is null. ArgumentOutOfRangeException timeout represen...
wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)) for task in finished: print(task.result()) print("unfinished:", len(unfinished)) print("Get more results in 2 seconds:") finished2, unfinished2 = loop.run_until_complete( asyncio.wait(unfinished, timeout=2)) for task in finished2: ...