wait_for_active_shards(新参数) 在ElasticSearch 5.0中可以用wait_for_active_shards参数表示:等待活动的分片,具体的值和consistency类似,下面用wait_for_active_shards演示一个实际使用的例子。 开始我们先设置一个新的索引: PUT /active {"settings": {"number_of_shards": 3,"number_of_replicas": 3 } } ...
建立一个 MQTT 连接是使用 MQTT 协议进行通信的第一步。为了保证高可扩展性,在建立连接时 MQTT 协议...
StringwaitForActiveShards=request.param("wait_for_active_shards"); if(waitForActiveShards!=null) { if("index-setting".equalsIgnoreCase(waitForActiveShards)) { deprecationLogger.deprecate("close-index-wait_for_active_shards-index-setting", "?wait_for_active_shards=index-setting is now the default ...
Since 8.0, the default behavior for closing indices has been to wait for the active shards based on the index setting. The special value index-setting allows users to use this in 7.x as well. We'd ...
.withWaitForActiveShards(reindexRequest.getWaitForActiveShards()) .withRequestsPerSecond(reindexRequest.getRequestsPerSecond()) .withSlices(reindexRequest.getSlices());if(reindexRequest.getScrollTime() !=null) { params.putParam("scroll", reindexRequest.getScrollTime()); ...
# 需要导入模块: import asyncio [as 别名]# 或者: from asyncio importwait[as 别名]defwait_for_reaction_remove(bot, emoji=None, *, user=None, timeout=None, message=None, check=None):"""Waits for a reaction to be removed by a user from a message within a time period. ...
config.setMaxIdle(MAX_ACTIVE); config.setMinIdle(MAX_IDLE); config.setMaxWaitMillis(MAX_WAIT); config.setMaxTotal(MAX_TOTAL); pool =newShardedJedisPool(config, shards, Hashing.MURMUR_HASH); }catch(NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("redis客户端初始化连接异常!!! 链接参数:"+ ser...
public static JedisPool createJedisPool(String host, int port, String auth, int maxTotal, int maxIdle, int minIdle, int connTimeoutMilli, int borrowTimeoutMilli){ JedisPoolConfig config = new JedisPoolConfig(); //如果赋值为-1,则表示不限制;如果pool已经分配了maxActive个jedis实例,则此时pool的...
unwelcoming and uncomfortable in every way; the lighthouse Futh saw on his childhood holiday was, according to his father, responsible for many shipwrecks; the perfume bottle holder that Futh carries with him does not protect the bottle from getting broken or Futh from being cut by the shards...
They kicked up nicotine levels in cigarettes and added shards of glass into filters to create tiny cuts and increase nicotine absorption, which caused further harm but increased demand—but since the harm was unaccounted for, this was a pure net positive for the company. And when anti-tobacco ...