wait_event_type|wait_event |state |query |datid |datname |pid |leader_pid|usesysid|usename|application_name |client_addr |client_hostname|client_port|backend_start |xact_start |query_start |state_change |wait_event_type|wait_event |state |backend_xid|backend_xmin|query |backend_type | ...
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDERBY[wait_time_ms]DESC)AS[RowNum]FROMsys.dm_os_wait_statsWHERE[wait_type]NOTIN(--These wait types are almost 100% never a problem and so they are--filtered out to avoid them skewing the results. Click on the URL--for more information.N'BROKER_EVENTHANDLER',--htt...
偶尔一次的异常等待,不足以表明系统存在瓶颈,但是,SQL Server实例经常出现特定的等待类型,并且等待时间趋于增加,这就说明,系统存在压力,或内存,或IO等,根据WaitType对系统进行监控和诊断,还能对查询进行性能调优,例如,Lock等待表明执行查询存在数据竞争,PageIOLatch等待表明IO响应缓慢,PageLatch等待表明文件的布局需要改进等。
eventName public abstract String eventName() Gets the eventName property: Wait event name. Returns: the eventName value.eventTypeName public abstract String eventTypeName() Gets the eventTypeName property: Wait event type name. Returns: the eventTypeName value....
Event Name P1 P2 P3 DFS db file lock file# not used not used DFS lock handle type|mode id1 id2 KOLF: Register LFI close lfictx fileop 0 KOLF: Register LFI exists lfictx nameop 0 KOLF: Register LFI isopen lifctx nameop 0 KOLF: Register LFI length ...
EXECUTION_PIPE_EVENT_INTERNAL 当同步通过连接上下文提交的批处理执行的创建器和使用者部件期间出现。 EXTERNAL_RG_UPDATE 仅供内部使用。适用于:SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 及更高版本。 EXTERNAL_SCRIPT_NETWORK_IO 仅供内部使用。适用于:SQL Server 2017 (14.x)到当前...
This event occurs when Aurora PostgreSQL is waiting to write data to the client. CPU This event occurs when a thread is active in CPU or is waiting for CPU. IO:BufFileRead and IO:BufFileWrite These events occur when Aurora PostgreSQL creates temporary files. ...
io done The session waits for an I/O to complete or it waits for a slave process to become available to submit the I/O request. This event occurs on platforms that do not support asynchronous I/O. Wait Time: 50 milliseconds ParameterDescription msg ptr A pointer to the I/O request...
SOSHOST_EVENT当托管组件(如 CLR)等待 SQL Server 事件同步对象时发生。 SOSHOST_INTERNAL在宿主组件(如 CLR)使用的内存管理器回调同步期间出现。 SOSHOST_MUTEX当托管组件(如 CLR)等待 SQL Server 互斥体同步对象时发生。 SOSHOST_RWLOCK当托管组件(如 CLR)在 SQL Server 读取器同步对象上等待时发生。
io/aurora_redo_log_flush A session is persisting data to Aurora storage. Typically, this wait event is for a write I/O operation in Aurora MySQL. For more information, see io/aurora_redo_log_flush. io/aurora_respond_to_client Query processing has completed and results are being returned to...